Advice & Information
This service operates 5 days a week (Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am till 5:00pm), primarily run by our experienced volunteers.The service supports individuals and families affected by the complexities of the Benefits system and are being impacted by recent welfare reforms. The service also helps people with everyday problems associated with living on low income, navigating the welfare benefits system and the threat of debt.
The use and demand for this service continues to increase each year, we dealt with around 55 individual cases per week.
Two of our experienced advice workers (one male and one female) undertook training through Birmingham Tribunal Unit. Titled ‘Introduction to Challenging Decisions” (Benefit Decisions).
This Service account for around 25% of our overall activities
EU Settlement Scheme awareness
We do free professional support in applying for SETTLED and PRE-SETTLED STATUS to EU citizens and we are working with the home office.
We would like to invite you come to Ileys Community Association Centre (Victoria Park Skill Centre, Corbett street, Smethwick, B66 3JP) On Monday 10th June between 10.00 am To 1.00pm.
Thursday 11th July 10.00am To 1.00pm
Do you struggle with English?
Are your IT skills limited?
Or maybe you just need a helping hand?
PS. This service is free of charge
More information please do not hesitate to contact us
Ileys Centre: 0121 4483940
Mrs FartunMohamud: 07484607530
Mr Ahmed Sirad: 07492113135